Saturday, 10 February 2024

Aidan of Lindisfarne c 590-651 (16)

1. Why did Aidan think the other monk had failed?
Aidan thought that Corman had been too harsh with people when he sought to reach the Northumbrians. He suggested a more gentle approach might be better.
2. Tell the story of St Aidan and the king's horse.
Aidan preached widely throughout Northumbria and would normally travel on foot. One day King Oswin presented Aidan with the gift of a fine horse beautifully kitted out. No sooner had Aidan left the King’s palace then he came across a poor man asking for help. Without hesitation Aidan gave the poor man the new horse and went on his way. King Oswin was rather distressed when he heard. Bede records that when the king asked about what Aidan had done and suggested a esser animal woould have done for the beggar Aidan would have none of it. The king agreed not to refer to the matter again. This happened in 651 near the end of Aidan's life.
3. Where is Lindisfarne?
Lindisfarne is a tidal island off the coast of Northumbria.


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